These have some very useful information and are a good resource for frequently asked questions and help. The latest versions of our products are available for download from the following WWW pages: If you have a problem, remove the spaces and type them in manually. I have seen instances where the space after the ~ character is converted to a value of HEX A0, not 20 with Microsoft Outlook.
The MOST RECOMMENDED way to enter the code correctly is to copy it from this message (using Ctrl+C or the clipboard) and then paste it into the authorization dialog (using Ctrl+V). The first, third, fourth sets start with an uppercase letter and alternate letter/digit and the second set starts with three letters followed by digit/letter.) (Ignore first and last quote, code has 4 sets of 5 characters, separated by a hyphen (-). The sets start with an uppercase letter and alternate letter/digit.)Īuthorization Code for UltraEdit-32 v11.00 (Released 02/08/05): (Ignore first and last quote, code has 4 sets of 5 characters that start with an uppercase letter and alternate letter/digit, separated by a hyphen (-). Name: "Jeux inc.(597091)~ 5 User License" (Note two spaces after ~ character) (The name is case sensitive, and should be entered without quotes).Īuthorization Code for UltraEdit-32 v12.00 (Released 03/15/06): You may also enter the information from the 'Register' Menu item in the Help Menu. You are prompted for this when you first run the product(s). You will need to enter your name and authorization code to register.
You MUST enter the name EXACTLY as shown including EVERYTHING between the quotes but NOT including the quotes or the registration will not work. Please note, your credit card will be charged $199.75 and will appear on your statement in the name of IDM Computer Solutions, Inc. Thank you for registering the products listed below. Titre: Données d'installation de UltraEdit32 Multiple instances of UE in different directories can be problematic later as discussed at Multiple instances won't disable.View Projet Description générale du projet: Bego has written a nice VBS script for that, see evaluate newer version for details. Then I can switch whenever I want between latest or any older version.
Before I install a new version I create a copy of the program directory with all my personal configuration files in the same parent directory, but with a slightly different name. I have ALL configuration files (ini, uek, etc.) moved from default user application data directory to the program directory of UEStudio/UltraEdit. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" You should only first export with Regedit the whole registry key

You can test it without having fear to overwrite your existing installation and settings when you install UltraEdit into a different program directory and rename the UltraEdit directory in %appdata%\IDMComp before first start of new UltraEdit. Toddm wrote:I might have missed reading this, but can the UE v13 trial be installed at the same time as my current UE v12? Thanks again for your continued support and interest in our products. Option to auto-save modified documents when application looses focus Prompt before UE is set as View Source Editor during install Express Install for typical installations Syntax highlighting support of verbatim string literals Cursor word-right or word-left to optionally stop at an underscore Ability to define a persistent selection (coming soon) Explorer view uses system-registered Icons for file types User customizable format of Search in Files result Search in Files for any files NOT containing search string Search and Replace will step through all open files Integrated browser support to show active HTML file UltraEdit-32 v13.00 New Features and Enhancements: We would sincerely like to thank all our Beta testers whose feedback greatly contributed to the quality and functionality of the new features in this release.
Just a short update to let you know that UltraEdit-32 v13.00 is now available. We appreciate your interest and support of UltraEdit-32.